Afyon Sucuk Müzesi// The Museum of Butchery deals with the subject of it’s specialization with a broad perspective, including Cultivation, Butchery, and Culinary Culture. TEATI designed 1000 m2 Museum from its concept initiation to official launch. For the scope of the museum, a private initiative- Cumhuriyet Sucukları Co.’s history read parallel with the history of the practice in the country. The Afyon Soudjouk Museum, through professionally conducted work, takes a broad perspective that encompasses its specialization- Butchery from Breeding, to Culinary Culture. The information and documents displayed in the museum witness to the industrialization process of a trades a, a modest Anatolian city in the 18th century. In this context, the story of the Sucuk Museum is both a production story of a city, a flavor story of a cuisine, and a commercialization story of a profession - local butcher shops. The Museum of Butchery deals with the subject of its specialization with a broad perspective, including Breeding, Butchery, and Culinary Culture. TEATI was responsible for the collection management and advisory of the institution, Afyon Cumhuriyet Sucukları. Exhibition and lighting design, inventory studies and choice of which artifact will be on display, scenography and script writing are all studied under our work schedule. It is the first thematic museum of its genre in Türkiye.