TEATI designed the city museum as a part of the Milli Mensucat Factory industrial heritage rehabilitation project, bringing together its content to make the museum the first stop for discovering the city. We were also responsible for the scenegraphy, information design and concept development of video installations. Urban development of the city began in the latter half of the 19th century when swamplands surrounding the city were transformed into agricultural land for cotton farming. After the construction of barriers to control the flow of the River Seyhan in 1905 and the completion of the Istanbul-Baghdad railway line which passed through the city (Quataert, 2008), Adana became the social and financial center of the region in the early 20th century. During the early republican era, the development plan for Adana was prepared by Hermann Jansen in 1935 for the area between the existing city and the new railway station. Jansen, who had previously proposed plans for greater Berlin and Ankara, left a significant urban planning legacy in Adana.