Istanbul Planning Agency's (IPA) Vision 2050 Strategy Document is a long-term roadmap to understand Istanbul with data and planning the future of Istanbul together with Istanbulites. The exhibition is the visual manifestation of this document and now open to public. TEATI was responsible for exhibition design and manufacturing concultancy of the exhibition. It was a temporary outdoor exhibition and ephemerality was the key concept. The exhibition designed around 7 themes that projects the future of Istanbul: (1) climate adaptation and protecting the environment, (2) transformative and resilient economy, (3) accessible and fair urban amenities for all, (4) vibrant and sensible spaces assuring good living for all, (5) effective and inclusive mobility, (6) integrated smart infrastructure systems, and (7) equal and free society. The concepts examined in the document are brought to 3rd dimension with spatial exhibition units, data visualizations, films and visual communication.