Kafkas Cephesi Harp Tarihi Müzesi// 'The Grand Bastion,' which was built in the Ottoman era for eastern borders and ended up in bloodshed, turned into a war museum offering historical flashbacks. The project to transform the bastion, that witness the 1828 Russo- Ottoman War, into "Caucasian Battlefields Military History Museum took seven years since 2012. Organization of the bastion and battlefields in that period are on display at the museum. Throughout the Project TEATI was responsible for the concept development and scenography, exhibition design and audio- visual experiences. To capture the tragic experience of 1914 Caucasion Front Wars, we designed an installation that uses mirrors creating the optical illusion of a tunnel lined with infinite pairs of the soldiers’ shoes, each bearing a light that resembles a candle. The room intentionally left cold to reinforce how the martyrs’ feels. the sound of freezing northern wind accompanied the experience. Another immersive installation is situated at the center of the Bastion. Floor of the exhibition hall filled with pebbles- representing snow- in order to make it difficult to walk. Visitors walk 30m with the recordings of captive soldiers by their side and experience the sound of gunshots from unknown origin. This unique case exemplifies user interaction not always means digital experience but also a physical one related with feelings: touching, hearing, feeling unable to walk, be anxious about an unknown sound etc.