Gallipoli Campaign 100th Anniversary Exhibition
Gallipoli Peninsula National Park— among the list of UN National Parks and Protected Areas— established for the memory of World War I and martyrs from Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, England and France. On 2015, TEATI designed the exhibition for remembering memories of Gallipoli Campaign at the 100th anniversary of WWI. Defining the problems of former exhibition, understanding the advantages/ disadvantages of the exhibition space and evaluating the artifacts collected from varied museums and institutions are the main issues studied by TEATI to understand and develop the concept design. 2500m2 existing exhibition space and display was re-designed from the very first narration- including the message- to implementation drawings. Comparative reading of military strength of parties, Thematic Dioramas and full size graphic installations are the most striking parts of the exhibitions. In this projects color, light/ darkness and labelling were used as design tools to transform the space. Exhibition design, script writing, information and graphic design and production management completed by TEATI
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