ADANA ARKEOLOJİ MÜZESİ// Transformation of Industrial Heritage consists of Curatorial Design, Exhibition Design, and Museum Transformation of an Existing Factory. The total Site Area is 63.000 m² and the Exhibition Area (First Phase) that TEATI was responsible for exhibition edsign of 10.000 m². “Tarhunza” Storm God of Hittites— Historical and now defunct textile mile of Adana- known ancient Cilician region- is transformed into Turkey’s largest museum complex that houses not only archeology but also agriculture, industry, literature and fashion. It is almost a decade since we first become a part of privileged team of conservation and preservation specialists including architects and engineers. photos are from the first stage of the museum which covers archeology and mosaics of the region. The space for Tarhunza statue, the famous storm god of Hittites, is specifically designed from climatic conditions, lighting and graphic communication. First phase of the museum was launched in 2017.